Life, Love and LD

Life, Love and LD

Sunday, April 27, 2014

How Timely...

This is an interesting article that came at an interesting time.  Just this week, I was trying to figure out ways to help DS better deal with frustration and set backs.  This article helped explain that he most likely has a lower tolerance for frustration.  It makes sense for our situation and helps with our empathy towards Ryan's outbursts.  They don't tend to happen often, but when they do they are VERY big!  What I have to watch out for is the difference between empathy and pity.  It's not helpful for Ryan to have people in his life who feel sorry for him.  I can empathize with his frustration but I can't enable him from getting out of things he has to do.  This whole process is to help him be a happy, independent and productive member of society.  His future boss isn't going to let him miss deadlines because "he's had a bad day."  I recognize that he's only nine but at the same time he IS nine and I have to let go a little bit to allow for maturity...sigh...this is difficult stuff.

This article was a great read.  I hope it brings you some insight as well.  Cheers!

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